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Greens welcome German Government's plan to freeze rent increases for 3 years

Today the German Government has signaled their intention to introduce a 3 year rent freeze.

The announcement comes amid record rent increases in Germany, similar to those being experienced in Australia.

The Government said this measure was needed to create ‘breathing room’ for the almost 60% of the country who rents.

Germany’s plans for a 3 year national freeze on rent increases will apply across the country, excluding in certain cities (yet to be announced) where rental increases will be capped at 6 per cent. The announcement today also includes stricter punishments for landlords who try to evade the rules and illegally charge tenants higher rents.

Australian renters face some of the worst tenancy conditions in the OECD and rental increases are expected to cost renters an additional $4.9 billion over the next 12 months.

Lines attributable to Max Chandler-Mather, Australian Greens spokesperson for housing and homelessness

“The Prime Minister should take note because this is what national leadership looks like.

“Germany is freezing rents for three years and all the Greens are asking for is a two year freeze on rent increases and ongoing caps to give renters a breather from some of the biggest rent increases in Australia’s history.

“With 8 of the 9 seats at National Cabinet held by the Labor Party, the Prime Minister must drop his support for unlimited rent increases, and finally coordinate a freeze and cap on rent increases.

“I would hope this puts the Greens proposal to freeze rent increases for 2 years and cap rents after that, in perspective.

“This latest German announcement is a reminder that Australia is increasingly an international pariah when it comes to its treatment of renters and its commitment to unlimited rent increases.

“We know Australian renters are about to be smashed by a rent increase tsunami of at least $4.9 billion, and the reality is the only ones with the power to stop it are the Labor Party.”

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