How to make a submission
Locate the development application on the Council website. We recommend using a desktop computer rather than your phone:
Click on ‘details’ to open the application.
- Use the ‘Make a comment’ button on the top right.
Suggested information to include
The proposed removal of a shared/bike path into the site from plans is not acceptable.
- This local active transport connection has been a key part of plans for a complete local bike network around Holland Park West, and a condition of development on the site, for at least a decade.
- The developer argues that the construction of new bike paths in the area like the V1 means this path is not necessary.
However the development of the V1 has always been accompanied by local access paths, as per the Norman Creek Master Plan from 2012.
The developer’s claim of an automatic extension under COVID conditions should be investigated - and the development considered under modern planning rules.
- The developer’s claim that blanket extensions provided by the Planning Minister under COVID-19 rules, extending the currency of their 2012 development application until December 2026, is an abuse of the planning system.
- Given the age of this application first approved under the previous City Plan (2000), Council should robustly assess the development using the current standards, as they are empowered to do under Planning Act Qld 2016 (81(5)(a))).
This application should not be accepted as a “minor change”. Particularly given the age of the application, this ‘minor’ change should be rejected and instead be robustly considered under Other Changes.
Any other comments or concerns you have about the original development, such as
- Much of this vacant land sits within council flood mapping and is considered at “high risk” of flooding. Developing and concreting over this land could push stormwater onto Birdwood Road and surrounding residents. The site itself is also likely to flood. The only entrance onto the site is a bridge that is considered at “high risk” of flooding, which poses a risk for any future development.
With a growing population, the inner southside of Brisbane desperately needs more public parkland. This site at Birdwood Road should be acquired by Council and developed into public parkland. It will help build a more connected community, break down social isolation, create public spaces for kids to play and people to meet. Far from a luxury - it is an essential part of life.
- Brisbane City Council’s Norman Creek 2012–2031 Project aims to ‘return the Norman Creek catchment to a more natural state’, through the improvement of parkland and adjoining waterways. Norman Creek runs through the entire site and provides a crucial natural habitat for many native plant and animal species. Acquiring the land for public parkland will help protect Norman Creek and establish a wildlife corridor from Stones Corner to Holland Park West.