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Griffith South: Sunday Morning Doorknock in Coorparoo East!

In 2022 we made history, electing three Federal MPs in Brisbane, including right here in Griffith. Together we took on the political establishment and we won. 

Since then we've won billions of dollars in funding for public housing and served more than 50,000 free meals here in Griffith. We’ve established the foundations of a national movement to stand up for the rights of renters, and dared to demand more than scraps from a government set on tinkering around the edges.  

Now we are laying the foundations for a political movement to transform this country for the better. Based on a politics that says in a wealthy country like Australia it is entirely possible to give people what they need to live a good life -  affordable housing and food, free healthcare and education.

But this federal election one thing is for sure. The political establishment is going to do everything they can to try and stop us. 

But we know how we win. It's with a mass movement of ordinary people standing up for something much bigger than themselves, and by taking our campaign directly to people's doors. 

Join us on the biggest campaign in Greens history, to keep Griffith Green! We'll be meeting at 10am for a briefing on the campaign, then heading out to knock on doors. Whether this is your first doorknock or your hundredth we need you, and would love your help!


See you there!

February 02, 2025 at 10:00am - 1pm
Majestic Park
85 Eva St
Coorparoo, QLD 4151
Google map and directions
Nat Baker ·

Will you come?